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29th December 2023

Top 7 Attractions to See on Peru Amazon Tours

Taking a tour of the Peruvian Amazon is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You can experience the sights and sounds of the world's largest rainforest. offers amazing views of the rainforest from the treetops. You can walk on suspended bridges in the jungle or go on ziplines for exciting rainforest views. You can see colorful birds and butterflies flying through the trees in the Tambopata Tour. There are also flowering orchids on the branches.

7. Wildlife Spotting Excursions

The Peruvian Amazon has a lot of biodiversity. This makes it a great place to see wildlife. Amazon Trips Peru, you can go on river cruises to see river dolphins, fishing bats, exotic birds, and aquatic life. On land, you can see monkeys, sloths, armadillos, tapirs, and if you're lucky, a wild jungle cat. Peru Amazon tours are great for nature lovers. Experienced guides help travelers spot and identify many species of wildlife.


Booking a Peru Travel Agency like helps plan an exceptional Peru Amazon tour. They cover the top sites and activities, so you can see and do much. An adventure in the Amazon in Peru is better than expected. You can see lots of wildlife and learn about different cultures. At the end of the day, you can relax and recharge in luxury ecolodges like Inkaterra. The Peruvian Amazon rainforest is amazing and will leave you in awe!

14th December 2023

Best Peru Jungle Tours for Wildlife Enthusiasts

For those who love wildlife and nature, a Peru jungle tour is a true dream trip. The Peruvian Amazon has diverse ecosystems. It is home to extraordinary animals that cannot be found anywhere else. The animals in the Peruvian Amazon are amazing. There are tiny poison frogs, giant river otters, majestic harpy eagles, and colorful macaws. First-time visitors may struggle to choose the best rainforest tour for seeing lots of wildlife. This blog presents great Peru Amazon Jungle tours for wildlife lovers who want an amazing adventure.

Three Rivers Tour with INKATERRA

Inkaterra offers a special tour called Three Rivers. This tour allows you to explore the rainforest along three rivers: Madre de Dios, Tambopata, and Las Piedras. You will travel in a dugout canoe. Travelers can see many birds, such as oropendolas, toucans, macaws, and kingfishers. They can also see groups of squirrel monkeys playing by the shore.

You can go fishing for piranhas on is spending a night inside a tapir observation blind. Under the darkness, venture into the rainforest to hides set up at salt licks frequented by the elusive South American tapir. Settle in for nocturnal observation, glimpsing their prehistoric shapes emerging from the jungle to lick salt. Staying overnight allows potential to observe behavioral patterns into the dawn. Other animals also use the salt licks like peccaries and deer. Witnessing these majestic, yet vulnerable creatures up-close in their rainforest realm makes for an incredibly special and rare treat.

Canopy Tower Excursions

From above, you can see things in the Peru Amazon Jungle that you can't see from the ground. Places like the Inkaterra Canopy Tower offer beautiful rainforest views and are close to many colorful birds. Peru Travel Agency offers tours to see birds up close, like toucans, parrots, tanagers, and hummingbirds. They use towers to help you get a better view. You can use binoculars and field guides to spot and identify wildlife. This place is surrounded by jungle, which makes wildlife observation very popular. Canopy access helps you see birds and monkeys you wouldn't normally see on regular rainforest hikes.


A bevy of spectacular creatures, from tiny poison arrow frogs to giant anteaters, call the Peruvian Amazon home. If you want to see amazing wildlife on Peru Amazon Tours, choose trips to special places like tapir observation, canopy towers, macaw clay licks, or remote jungle cruises. With expert guides unlocking the wonders of the rainforest, wildlife enthusiasts’ Amazon dreams come true via tours with!